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Cultural Tourism

Cultural Tourism

Global tourism has evolved and spread to a variety of fields and become a stand-alone industry and included many human activities, past, present and future. And inflict culture tourism falls within this framework that has reached human relationships in their interaction and evolution of the globalized runaway of space and time, even we can say with a British writer in his book "East and West" There is no east and west, but there is progress and backwardness, the efficiency and the inability, in Morocco sun Kmava Mushargaha ".

Cultural Tourism

In a study conducted in the United States found that: "The cultural richness of the main reasons is traveling a large group of tourists who are keen to increase their knowledge and knowledge of their families."
I knew of cultural tourism in the book "Modern Tourism and application note": "as nature Zhennehaly notably, a tourism which seeks learn new things and new people, as found on Tarkhm and customs in the same real-frame in which they live sing."
It is also "cut red tape and interference tourist in direct relations with the host country, his family watched as they have their habits in their daily lives within the natural and historic heritage and the literal framework in which they live reacts with them ... a humanitarian spark that bring people ... because they direct and close contact travel through the collective personality of a people in various forms of expression. "

Cultural Tourism

UNESCO focused in particular: "the inclusion of cultural tourism as part of the national cultural policy development, not only because they contribute to the economic and social development ... and revive the craft industries and traditional professions ... but because it provides jobs for young people and limit immigration ... but they is the appropriate arena for dialogue among civilizations and cultures ... and keeps the landmarks and cultural practices at stake. "
Within these concepts released the first official recognition of cultural tourism "in 1963 from the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations ... to support the concept of friendship and understanding between peoples." In 1966, UNESCO declared that "cultural tourism contributes to the strengthening of the peace process" ...

Cultural Tourism

In 1976, Bill was the first to adopt the culture of tourism in Brussels and most of its provisions, "respect for the global natural and cultural heritage which must be ahead of any other consideration ... on social tourism and economic levels." Then this charter was revised in 1988 calling for tourists to "respect each community in its heritage and its environment."
In determining the cultural tourism resources in many countries soak the following item: "traditional crafts and industries and associated popular markets and workshops practicing literal work."
The present case or economic returns on the whole of the world cultural tourism, thus contributing to the development and growth of the artisanal sector and its contribution ratio ranging Taluaa and down in the national income, according to the State's interest in him and encouraged the workers at various levels and marketing assistance

Cultural Tourism


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